Homeschool Attendance

Homeschool Attendance

Roll Call Remember the old days when a teacher stood at the front of the room behind her large wooden desk and began each day with a roll call?  We waited patiently for our name to be called so we could shout out “here!” Today, I imagine it is a very...

Setting Goals

Setting goals is a necessary aspect of homeschooling, whether we like it or not. Since we are in charge of our children’s education, if we don’t have a goal for them in mind, they could end up spinning their wheels and not accomplishing anything.  But what...

Organizing your Homeschool Day – Break Time

Break time, like most things in homeschooling, should have “a Plan in Place.” No matter what your homeschool style, your kids most likely have some time each day that requires seat work.  This can be especially trying for younger kids for obvious reasons. ...

Homeschool Family Plan

Arguably my favorite form in the Homeschool Teacher Edition planner is the Long Term Family Plan.  I should let you know up front that friends have teased me for years about having a “12-year plan” for homeschooling.  So, to make my life easier, I lobbied...

The Path to Homeschool Graduation

My son is going into the 8th grade this year.  MUCH too early to be thinking about homeschool graduation and college, right?  Well, maybe not. I have no idea what career path he’ll take – right now, his ideas range from Lego designer to author to army...

Long Range Homeschool Planning

It’s that time of the year. Late summer. The time when our version of “teacher in-service days” begin and we start our homeschool planning for next year. I love it!  Now is the best time to have in your hands a customized homeschool planner for each...