Weekly Schedule Sheets – Download

The following will give you plenty of ideas for customizing your Weekly Schedule Sheets for the PDF Download Version of our Student Edition planner.

Customized Weekly Schedule Sheets


1. First, familiarize yourself with the three sections that make up each Weekly Schedule Sheet (as seen in the 1-page example on the right and 2-page below): Weekly Detail, Daily Checklist, and Weekly Focus. When you order, you will be laying out your choices for each of these three sections (in addition to your Student’s Name, Days of the Week, and Quotation, which are self-explanatory).

2. You can have up to 8 Weekly Detail subjects, 8 Daily Checklist tasks, and 5 Weekly Focus boxes. You may also enter “blank” if you would like blank headings in any section. Remember, the more choices you have, the smaller each box will be.

3. Our recommendations: For the one page per week option, 4-6 Weekly Detail choices allow plenty of room to write. If you are ordering two pages per week, 7 or 8 is perfectly fine. Less than 4 Daily Checklist tasks sometimes means that the section gets overlooked—4 or more is usually best. For the two page per week option, either 3 or 4 Weekly Focus boxes look best. For the one page per week sheet, anything less than 5 is usually best.

4. Get creative! Look through our examples below. As you’ll see, there are many ways to customize. Days of the Week don’t have to be Monday – Friday, the Weekly Detail section doesn’t have to contain subjects, etc. You know your students – do what works best for them!

5.  Need to step away from the computer and think about your choices?  Download this handy Planning Worksheet.

Section Heading Ideas


 Weekly Detail

Description:  These are areas that you cover weekly. They should be subjects that have specific daily requirements.
Ideas: Math • Science • Foreign Language • Language Arts •
History • Life Skills • Bible • Electives • Writing • Social Studies • Other Activities

 Daily Checklist

Description:  These are tasks that your student will do every day. They are things that just need a checkmark in a box to show that they have been completed.
Ideas:  Chores • Math Drills • Personal Hygiene • Spelling List • Prayer/Devotions • Reading Time • PE / Exercise Journal • Writing • Instrument Practice

 Weekly Focus

Description:  These are bigger boxes for topics covered through the week, which do not require a set day for completion.
Ideas:  Memory Verse • Weekly Chores • Science Focus • Exercise Plan • Journal • Topic Notes • Goal for the Week • Country of the Week


One Page Per Week

Two Pages Per Week